Month: March 2014

The long haul

It’s been a tough few months, the loss of university is daunting but so far (touch wood) everything is looking ok. I have a great house, I managed to stay in cornwall and I have been able to get out and shoot some images. This coming up though is the tough part, how to make it as a photographer. Today I finished and launched my website, doing it yourself has it’s perks but between FTP clients and hosts and analytics….. The headache just grows. If you haven’t set up your own site yet then this may be foreign to you, if you’re about to then let me know how it goes and good luck.

So with stage one completed it’s on to stage two, getting work up for sale. I have gone with saatchi online, it seems promising but is a terrible pain to upload images too. Time will tell if it pays off….. Beyond stage two… Who knows….. Maybe a lucky email will pay off.

If you’d like too see my web page head to

And by all means get in touch if there’s a technical fault!

Il keep you updated